- 包頭 → 不露出腳趾。
- 耐熱 → 需耐80℃熱水清洗。
- 姓名 → 請於鞋上標示正確姓名,勿標示實驗室房號、英文縮寫。
- 即日起請各使用者將不合規定之鞋款改善,113年2月1日本中心會將不合規定的鞋款全數下架,代為保管至113年2月29日,在此期限內若未領回,本中心將之認定為無主物品代為丟棄。
- 本中心將自113年2月起,於每週五上午定期清洗使用者的自備鞋。
Regarding the choice of bringing your own shoes, there are three requirements to pay attention to:
1. Baotou → Do not expose your toes.
2. Heat resistance → Need to withstand 80℃ hot water cleaning.
3. Name → Please mark the correct name on the shoes. Please do not mark the laboratory room number or English name abbreviation(Except for foreigners).
- From now on, all users are requested to improve the non-compliant shoes. On February 1, 2024, the center will remove all non-compliant shoes from the shelves and keep them until February 29, 2024. If the item is not collected within this period, the Center will consider it as an unowned item and discard it on your behalf.
Starting from February 2024, the Laboratory Animal Center will regularly clean the shoes prepared by users every Friday morning.